The Data You Need, The Privacy Consumers Expect
Businesses need data to present shoppers with the right offer at the right time, but consumers are concerned about privacy, and regulators have some strict standards for how data should be handled. The right partners can help businesses maintain the highest standards of compliance.
At Launch Labs we take privacy and information security seriously. We comply strictly and conservatively with all current privacy and data security guidelines including FTC Safeguards, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Here’s how we help businesses do more with their data while meeting privacy and compliance standards.
How Ignite Collects and Uses Data
Ignite starts collecting geolocation data only after a website visitor gives affirmative, opt-in consent to share their geolocation information. Once that consent is secured, data is handled in compliance with CCPA, CIPA, and other privacy laws. Once collected, the data belongs to the client business. Launch Labs holds it only as long as necessary for business purposes and all customer data is destroyed within 90 days of any client off-boarding.

Secure Information Processing
Businesses providing financing have special responsibilities under the the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Because we serve such businesses, Launch Labs complies with these guidelines in all ways feasible. We apply risk assessment and implement safeguards to protect business and consumer data. Consumer data within the web application is encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) during transit to user’s browsers.

Compliant SMS Messaging
SMS messaging is a valuable tool, the use of which is governed by Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) guidelines. Ignite by Launch Labs complies strictly and conservatively with these guidelines. Ignite will only send text messages to visitors who have expressly requested to receive them. Each message comes as a direct response to a request initiated by the consumer. Messages are delivered over a finite period and the shopper may stop them at any time by replying STOP.

Data Privacy for Businesses and Their Customers
Consumer Choice
Consumers visiting a businesses website must give affirmative, opt-in consent through their browser before geolocation data will be collected. This puts ultimate control over how and when data will be shared into the hands of the consumer. Their data will never be sold or used for any purpose other than to perform the consented services.
Business Protections
Businesses can depend on Launch Labs to operate as a service provider under the CCPA. Our standard client agreement includes CCPA-mandated terms designed to protect both businesses and consumers. Because Ignite scripts will be deployed on websites that are operated and controlled by our business clients, our business clients must determine for themselves whether and how to account for the Ignite scripts in any privacy policies or other notices they provide to users, or consents they obtain from users to address CCPA, CIPA, or other privacy laws.

Launch Labs customers using Ignite see results like these
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Converting your website visitors into leads should be intuitive. With Ignite it is.
Frequently asked
Yes, consumer data is only collected after the consumer has given affirmative, opt-in consent to collect geolocation data. Cookie consent management or other privacy tools used by the client business could further limit or provide options for limiting how their personal data is collected and processed. Launch Labs will offer integration with all cookie consent menagers requested by the business partner.
We apply a FTC-compliant information security program that includes: designation of a qualified individual who implements and supervises our information security program; safeguards designed and implemented to control risks identified through the risk assessment process; regular monitoring and testing of our information security safeguards.
Ignite has customer names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers. The data is stored within databases and database backups. Database access is only available to a small number of engineers, access is controlled using secure shell (SSH) and firewall connections.
Ignite complies strictly and conservatively with TCPA. The process begins when a visitor sends a text message requesting to claim an offer from a physical location, email, or landing page. The platform replies and sends the lead to the client business’ CRM. A second message may be sent if the client business has activated survey messages. A reminder message is sent between 12 and 72 hours after their last visit to the website depending on their level of interest. If the visitor replies ‘STOP’ at any point, the platform will never message them again.
Yes, Customer data within the web application is encrypted in transit to user’s browsers using Transport Layer Security (TLS) / Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Transportation of customer data to business CRM’s is encrypted everywhere that encryption is supported.
Yes, Launch Labs acts as a “service provider” under the CCPA. CCPA-mandated terms govern our agreements with business clients to allow those business clients. Launch Labs processes that personal data on behalf of the relevant business client subject to and in accordance with terms in our standard client agreement.
Every business needs to determine this for themselves. We recommend consulting with qualified legal counsel with respect to privacy policies, notices, or consents and related legal requirements.
If you have any questions about Ignite’s personal data processing or posture as a service provider, please contact us at